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Display real time info for the track


Is it possible to display a real time generated TEXT under the player (with playlist of 10 songs) that display the current playing track and time code

e.g If the player is playing "apple.mp3" , and paused at 30 seconds, then the TEXT will looks like this

Visitor who use this link who landed in my page, will play apple.mp3 (one of the track in the playlist) and start at 30 seconds.

I need to know whether its possible (and which API to look for) before I hire someone to write for me.

Really like JWPlayer

3 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Our API can do this.


This API call allows developers to listen for metadata embedded in the media file (e.g. dimensions or TX3G cues in MP4 files). It is intended debugging purposes. Do not rely on this API in production environments, since metadata callbacks are subject to sudden change!

Fired when new metadata has been broadcasted by the player. Event attributes:

metadata (Object): Object containing the new metadata. This can be metadata hidden in the media (XMP, ID3, keyframes) or metadata broadcasted by the playback provider (bandwidth, quality switches).


0 rated :

Noted, I will let my developer read.
One last question, assume I have 3 items (will add new items weekly) in playlist
Trailer 1 (spider.mp4, mediaid:11111)
Trailer 2 (bat.mp4, mediaid:22222)
Trailer 3 (super.mp4, mediaid:33333)

If I wish to have a link
that will play "Trailer 3" of the playlist.
How can i achieve it?
Also through the above API? or is there an easier method (no need to start at specific time)

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Possibly something like this?

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