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Logo not showing on reload

The main video plays fine.
When clicking to a thumbnail of a new video the player is reloaded, but the logo doesn't show.

<div id="videoPlayer"></div>

<!-- Main video script -->

<script type="text/javascript">

image: "<?php echo $imageOverlay ?>",
height: <?php echo $this->height; ?>,
width:<?php echo $this->width; ?>,
logo: {
file: "<?php echo '/images/videoPlayer/logo_player.png';?>",
hide: false
skin: "<?php echo $vidRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'skins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stormtrooper.xml';?>",
flashplayer: "<?php echo ($this->assetsUrl.'/jwplayer.flash.swf');?>",
sources: <?php echo $sources; ?>


// End Main video script

// Other video from switching

function switschVideo(id,vidPath)
type: 'POST',
url: '/product/ajaxGetRelatedVideos',
data: {
id : id,
vidPath : vidPath,
success: function(response) {
vidSkin = vidPath + '/skins/stormtrooper.xml';

var source = JSON.parse(response);
flashplayer: "/extensions/VideoPlayer/jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf",
sources: source,
height: 398,
width: 670,
logo: {
file: "/images/videoPlayer/logo_player.png"
skin: vidSkin,
provider: "http",
autostart: true,

The company I work for has pro membership.
The logo shows on main but not on the reloaded vids.

Also is there some way to link to questions asked?
It's hard to keep track unless you write down the address!

I could send a private message with links if there is a way to do that?

6 Community Answers


0 rated :

Turns out the autostart is hiding the logo.
Is there a way to have autostart with the logo?


0 rated :

Turns out this is only happening with webm files also..


0 rated :

This can be fixed by putting hide to true.

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Where is this running?


0 rated :

This is running on my local dev, as it can't be put live until it is finished. Is there anyway I can contact you?

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

You can contact us here – , select general inquiry.

This question has received the maximum number of answers.