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JW Player & CSS Customization


I'm currently using JW Player 5.8 in conjunction with Wordpress plugin.
The installation of the plugin & JW player create couple tags <div id=jw-player-div> and <div id=jwplayer-1>, when use CSS to call those div ids to customize background/border, the customization applies across other players in different pages/posts.

bc.. <div id="jwplayer-1-div" class="myPlayer">
<div id="jwplayer-1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">jwplayer("jwplayer-1").setup({flashplayer: "http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/JW-Player/player/player.swf", width: "400", height: "240", controlbar: "over", "config": "myPlayer", "mediaid": "70", "image": "", "file": "", "wmode": "opaque", "skin": "http://localhost/wp-content/plugins/JW-Player/skins/glow/", "playlist.position": "none", "playlistsize": "180", events: {}, config: "http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/JW-Player/configs/myPlayer.xml"});</script></center><center></center><center></center></p>
<div class="clearboth"></div>

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestion on how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

5 Community Answers

JW Player

1 rated :

Sorry, wrote the first div id wrong, it should be id=jwplayer-1-div, you know what I mean as you can see in the code block above.

I have players with different sizes/looks embedded in different pages/posts. When I call those div ids in my CSS customization for 1 player the customization propagates and applies across to other players, which is not what I wanted.

What I think should happen is that each time a player embeds in different page/post a new div id should be generated.

Any help and/or suggestion to solve this issue is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

@Kenneth -

Could you post a link to a page which demonstrates the issue?

JW Player

1 rated :

Hi Pablos,

I'm testing and running it on my WAMP local server at the moment. I've also been communicating with Ethan about this issue via email last couple days, and he has mentioned that he forwarded this thread and my email with details of the issue to the "JW Player Plugin for WP" team for further support.

Thanks in advance.

JW Player

-1 rated :

Hi Cameron,

Yes, I did see that class, but if you notice that class belongs to this div jwplayer-1-div NOT the inner div (jwplayer-1) where the Player actually is. By having mentioned that, the class element is irrelevant whether it's there or not in this case.

Why? Because it will have little or NO effects if you were to base your customizations based on that single class element. The critical elements or anchors, if you will, are the div IDs (jwplayer-1-div & jwplayer-1). However, when call them in CSS you'll run into a conflict if you have another Player embedded elsewhere in another post/page, and that's the issue I'm having at the moment.

Did you have the chance to read my email Ethan forwarded? In that email I described the scenarios in details, experiment it, you'll know exactly where I'm coming from.

I just hope you and your team consider it and have it ironed out with the next release of the plugin.

Thanks in advance.


JW Player

0 rated :

I am having a similar issue. For some reason I cant get the jwplayer-1 div tag to apply to another plug. Can someone show me the CSS to call the jwplayer-1 div into another div

right now it goes into .content but not .bbp-reply-content

any ideas?

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