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first video in playlist jwplayer 6

anyone know how to indicate that video should start the playlist.
bc.. <script>
playlist: [{
file: "myvideo1.mp4",
image: "image.png",
title: "",
description: ""
file: "myvideo2.mp4",
image: "image.png",
title: "",
description: ""
file: "myvideo3.mp4",
image: "image.png",
title: "",
description: ""
width: 940,
height: 360,
listbar: {
position: "right",
size: 300

I want to start with the second video playlist. T T

8 Community Answers

JW Player

0 rated :

someone please

JW Player

0 rated :


for example using an id of "video"

bc.. jwplayer('video').playlistItem(index);

Now since the playlist is a array and array elements begin with
0...n, you can explicitly enter a value in the above code.

In you case, since the second item has an index of 1 then to play that item

bc.. jwplayer('video').playlistItem(1);

Now here is a neat tip for you:

a playlist will sequentially play the next item on the list BUT by adding the following once an item has completed playing add the following under the onComplete event

bc.. jwplayer('video').stop();

This will stop the selected video/audio and let the user select any other item in the playlist.

I do this for all of my playlist on my web site.

There is an obvious advantage of doing this as once the video/audio has completed you could display a sponsor or even an advertiser for that item.

To see this in action visit the JWP6 examples on my web site

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

@tuportalsoftware – Do you have a link?

JW Player

0 rated :

I'm working on my localhost, I have an ordered list when I select an item and load the playlist but from the beginning and what I want is to do it from the selected item.

JW Player

0 rated :

@Ethan LongTail I did not know how to quote: D

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Oh, did you solve it then?

JW Player

0 rated :

@ Ethan LongTail please willie's response did not understand and still can not get to solve it, not to put that id mentioned and seen you respond very well showing where in the code should be corrected.

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Do you have a link ?

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