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Link to URL for each image in XML file

I'm using the Image Rotator and i'm trying to get each image to link to a separate URL. I've added the <info></info> lines to my XML file, but when i click on the image it just changes to the next image. What am i missing?

Here's my XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<playlist version="1" xmlns="">












Here's my Flashvars code:
<embed src="imagerotator.swf" width="450" height="300" hspace="20" vspace="15" loop="false" align="right" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="file=madrid.xml&transition=bgfade&screencolor=0x415f7b&usefullscreen=false&rotatetime=8&allowscriptaccess=always&type=image&linktarget=_self" wmode="transparent"></embed>


12 Community Answers

JW Player

0 rated :

Thank you for your assistance. Now when i click on the image it doesn't advance to the next image - however it doesn't link to the page either !! What am i missing now? Is there something wrong with my playlist?


JW Player

0 rated :

I'm having the same problem. I've read all the posts and documentation about this, but I can't figure it out.

What am I doing wrong??


JW Player

0 rated :

Actually, I did read that, but it's still not working.

For example, on

When clicking the first image, you should go to "" When clicking any other image, you should go to "" None of them work.

The only way I can get it to work is by changing "_self" to "_blank," which is not what I want. Bizarre!

Also, why should linktarget be required to be explicitly stated anyway? It is given a default value of "_self."

JW Player

0 rated :

I discovered why links with target set to "_self" weren't working--I found the answer on a completely different site while investigating a completely different problem. :D

By adding


I fixed the problem.

JW Player

0 rated :


JW Player

0 rated :



bc.. <embedsrc="imagerotator.swf"

Allsmashedtogetherinanunreadablemess:bc.. <embedsrc="imagerotator.swf"width="450"height="300"hspace="20"vspace="15"loop="false"align="right"quality="high"allowscriptaccess="always"pluginspage=""type="application/x-shockwave-flash"wmode="transparent"flashvars="file=madrid.xml&transition=bgfade&screencolor=0x415f7b&usefullscreen=false&rotatetime=8&type=image&linktarget=_self&linkfromdisplay=true"/>

JW Player

0 rated :





YourfirsttrackhadalinkelementinsteadofaninfoelementandIaddedinfoelementstoalloftheother tracks.
bc.. <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?>

JW Player

0 rated :



bc.. <scripttype="text/javascript">

sodon'texpectanythingtohappen.bc.. <info></info>



JW Player

0 rated :

how can i link my xml to url;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gallery id="4" name="stores" path="gallery/4/">
<image id="1" img="im1.jpg" thumb="thumb1.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray1.jpg" title="Sunset" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="2" img="im2.jpg" thumb="thumb2.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray2.jpg" title="Desert 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="3" img="im3.jpg" thumb="thumb3.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray3.jpg" title="Desert 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="4" img="im4.jpg" thumb="thumb4.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray4.jpg" title="Desert 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="5" img="im5.jpg" thumb="thumb5.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray5.jpg" title="Desert 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="6" img="im6.jpg" thumb="thumb6.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray6.jpg" title="Lake 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="7" img="im7.jpg" thumb="thumb7.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray7.jpg" title="Forest 1" seriesTitle="forests" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="8" img="im8.jpg" thumb="thumb8.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray8.jpg" title="Lake 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="9" img="im9.jpg" thumb="thumb9.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray9.jpg" title="Cows" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="10" img="im10.jpg" thumb="thumb10.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray10.jpg" title="Forest 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="11" img="im11.jpg" thumb="thumb11.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray11.jpg" title="Forest 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="12" img="im12.jpg" thumb="thumb12.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray12.jpg" title="Lake 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="13" img="im13.jpg" thumb="thumb13.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray13.jpg" title="Forest 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="More Information coming soon,MyMallSA wishes you and your family well over this Festive Season.Drive safe, be Safe, be strong and Sell, Sell, Sell!"/>
<image id="14" img="im14.jpg" thumb="thumb14.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray14.jpg" title="Forest 5" seriesTitle="Store info" description="1111111"/>
<image id="15" img="im15.jpg" thumb="thumb15.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray15.jpg" title="Lake 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Donec at sapien et magna venenatis porta. Ut facilisis tincidunt dolor. Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo."/>
<image id="16" img="im16.jpg" thumb="thumb16.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray16.jpg" title="Sunset" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo. Pellentesque libero felis, feugiat non, nonummy nec, facilisis ac, nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce laoreet lacus id lacus."/>
<image id="17" img="im17.jpg" thumb="thumb17.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray17.jpg" title="Desert 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Donec pulvinar lorem nec leo porta viverra. Fusce mollis. Proin leo. Phasellus faucibus."/>
<image id="18" img="im18.jpg" thumb="thumb18.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray18.jpg" title="Desert 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="COOL!"/>
<image id="19" img="im19.jpg" thumb="thumb19.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray19.jpg" title="Desert 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Curabitur metus."/>
<image id="20" img="im20.jpg" thumb="thumb20.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray20.jpg" title="Desert 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Curabitur faucibus felis vitae ipsum bibendum molestie."/>
<image id="21" img="im21.jpg" thumb="thumb21.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray21.jpg" title="Lake 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur metus. Donec at sapien et magna venenatis porta."/>
<image id="22" img="im22.jpg" thumb="thumb22.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray22.jpg" title="Forest 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo. Pellentesque libero felis, feugiat non, nonummy nec, facilisis ac, nisi. Suspendisse potenti."/>
<image id="23" img="im23.jpg" thumb="thumb23.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray23.jpg" title="Lake 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Ut bibendum. Cras id pede. Morbi urna risus, mattis in, blandit vel, ultrices et, augue. Curabitur luctus."/>
<image id="24" img="im24.jpg" thumb="thumb24.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray24.jpg" title="Cows" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo."/>
<image id="25" img="im25.jpg" thumb="thumb25.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray25.jpg" title="Forest 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur metus."/>
<image id="26" img="im26.jpg" thumb="thumb26.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray26.jpg" title="Forest 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Donec pulvinar lorem nec leo porta viverra. Fusce mollis. Proin leo. Phasellus faucibus."/>
<image id="27" img="im27.jpg" thumb="thumb27.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray27.jpg" title="Lake 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur metus. Donec at sapien et magna venenatis porta. Ut facilisis tincidunt dolor."/>
<image id="28" img="im28.jpg" thumb="thumb28.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray28.jpg" title="Forest 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Ut bibendum. Cras id pede. Morbi urna risus, mattis in, blandit vel, ultrices et, augue."/>
<image id="29" img="im29.jpg" thumb="thumb29.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray29.jpg" title="Forest 5" seriesTitle="Store info" description="1111111"/>
<image id="30" img="im30.jpg" thumb="thumb30.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray30.jpg" title="Lake 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Donec at sapien et magna venenatis porta. Ut facilisis tincidunt dolor. Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo."/>
<image id="31" img="im31.jpg" thumb="thumb31.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray31.jpg" title="Sunset" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo. Pellentesque libero felis, feugiat non, nonummy nec, facilisis ac, nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce laoreet lacus id lacus."/>
<image id="32" img="im32.jpg" thumb="thumb32.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray32.jpg" title="Desert 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Donec pulvinar lorem nec leo porta viverra. Fusce mollis. Proin leo. Phasellus faucibus."/>
<image id="33" img="im33.jpg" thumb="thumb33.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray33.jpg" title="Desert 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="COOL!"/>
<image id="34" img="im34.jpg" thumb="thumb34.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray34.jpg" title="Desert 3" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Curabitur metus."/>
<image id="35" img="im35.jpg" thumb="thumb35.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray35.jpg" title="Desert 4" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Curabitur faucibus felis vitae ipsum bibendum molestie."/>
<image id="36" img="im36.jpg" thumb="thumb36.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray36.jpg" title="Lake 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur metus. Donec at sapien et magna venenatis porta."/>
<image id="37" img="im37.jpg" thumb="thumb37.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray37.jpg" title="Forest 1" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo. Pellentesque libero felis, feugiat non, nonummy nec, facilisis ac, nisi. Suspendisse potenti."/>
<image id="38" img="im38.jpg" thumb="thumb38.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray38.jpg" title="Lake 2" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Ut bibendum. Cras id pede. Morbi urna risus, mattis in, blandit vel, ultrices et, augue. Curabitur luctus."/>
<image id="39" img="im39.jpg" thumb="thumb39.jpg" thumbGray="thumb-gray39.jpg" title="Cows" seriesTitle="Store info" description="Quisque leo metus, commodo ac, elementum id, blandit et, leo. Integer aliquam pretium leo."/>
<image id="40" img="im40.jpg" thumb

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

This is not the format of the XML that we use for the rotator.

Here is a sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<playlist version="1" xmlns="">

			<title>Grass by Night</title>
			<creator>Jeroen Wijering</creator>


			<title>At the Sidewalk</title>
			<creator>Jeroen Wijering</creator>


			<title>Tio Pepe Madrid</title>
			<creator>Jeroen Wijering</creator>



JW Player

0 rated :

going to try that but this is my gallery xml, how can i link each image to a url, I am I.T handicap, just get into flash


Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Np! :-)

This question has received the maximum number of answers.