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HD icon not appearing after $.load()

i use the following to setup a JW 7 player.

file: "master.m3u8",
copyrightDate: 1,
image: "my.jpeg",
height: 655,
width: 1165,
stagevideo: false,
androidhls: "true",
startparam: "start",
skin: { name: "seven" },
logo: {
file: '/watermark',
hide: false,
position: 'bottom-left'
playbackRateControls: [0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.5],
events: {

the HD icon appears as it should. but after re-setting up a new player with a different file and image as above (without reloading the page), the HD icon does not appear. why?

thanks in advance. if you need more info in order to help, just ask.


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