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hlsjs provider on android

It seems jwplayer doesn't use hlsjs provider on android. and only relies upon the native hls support.

I have a stream which isn't compatible with native playback capability of android.
see below link which uses video tag only.
works in macOS safari. and iOS, but not in chrome on android Moto-G. Also doesn't work on macOS opera (no native hls support).

so, I tried jwplayer, since it has hlsjs plugin
see the below link. works on macOS opera (via hlsjs provider of jwplayer), but doesn't work on android. behaviour is same as before on android.

the reason to believe that hlsjs isn't being loaded is if I add "androidhls:false" config option (thinking it will disable native hls and use hlsjs)
it give "No playable sources found" on android.
see below link. works on macOS opera. gives error on android.

This much I have already found that the stream I have is playable by hlsjs. because hlsjs's own demo player works for the same stream on android.
see below link. hlsjs demo player. works on android chrome. macOS opera.

Is there a workaround to force hlsjs to be used on android all the time. as native support is patchy and many streams are found incompatible.

thank you,

5 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

We only use the video tag when the browser natively supports the video format. Android Chrome supports HLS so we do not handle playback.

Vineet Goel

0 rated :

But native HLS support on android is extremely basic and patchy.
since you have the hlsjs provider included with jwplaye now, wouldn't it be prudent to use hlsjs provider on android instead of native?
hlsjs would take away the pain of live streaming on android!

I tried flowplayer with their hlsjs provider, and it plays back same stream on android flawlessly.

please see this,

So, atleast a config option should be provided to ignore native hls support on android and use hlsjs provider instead.
we would really like to use jwplayer for seamless playback on all devices.

thank you,

Vineet Goel

0 rated :

Any response please

thank you,


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


You could try “hlsjsdefault”:“true” setting in the config.

Vineet Goel

0 rated :

It works! pain is gone :)

thank you very much,

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