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JWplayer do not detect live stream

Here is the link :

You can see i'm streaming with .m3u8 live soure, but in bottom control bar, it display seeker and 02:00 minutes, not "Live" text. Tell me how to tell player this file is live.


1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi there,

In order to determine whether a HLS stream is live or not, our player looks for a #EXT-X-ENDLIST in the manifest. If that tag exists, then we consider that an on-demand stream with a certain length. If the tag does not exist, then we consider it a live stream. However, I cannot confirm whether or not this tag is in your stream because it appears your stream is geo-blocked to exclude the USA.

Please let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions.

Thank you!

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