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autoplaying related videos

It seems that you guys added a function to autoplay related videos in here :

But there is no example about it and I couldn't implemented it
Can you give us an example about it please


5 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

Thanks! We’ve updated that document to now include an autoplay example.


0 rated :

Hi again

it seems that when I want to autoplay my related videos I have to call them in a playlist

is there a work around to make autoplay to call the onclick function

for example I want to get to next video in its own http url

ps: documentation is wrong
instead of oncomplete:autoplay you wrote autoplay : true
which doesn't work :)


1 rated :

to make it clear:

suppose I have a list of url's that have single video
I want to go to next url of each video in each url

is it possible?


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Sounds like a cool feature request. I will escalate this to our engineers.

ismailserhatbuga N/A

1 rated :

thank you kindly

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