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Facing Issues with JWplayer embbeded in Moodle CMS

Hello All,

We are trying to use JWplayer in Moodle CMS to play videos, but we are facing the below issues

Playing for first time in pop-up but not the second time
Sometimes video gets disaligned while playing, getting black screen.

This is the code we are using, Please let me know if any alternation required

<script src=''></script> <script>jwplayer.key='PnGAncGgb+uBeIN8h/oIOaCntlILrksQmXQ9nqNZmG0=';</script> <div id='myElement'>Loading the player...</div> <script type='text/javascript'> var playerInstance = jwplayer('myElement'); playerInstance.setup({ image : '', file: '', width: 400, height: 220, title: 'Topic-8', abouttext: 'Cloud Kinetics - AVID Player', }); </script>


2 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hello Selvan,

This is George, I am one of the Support Engineers here at JW Player. How are you? I don’t have any personal experience using Moodle CMS but as long as things are being called in the right order JW Player should work fine. Could you send me the test page that is having the issue?

JW Player
Support Engineer


0 rated :

Selvan, have a look at contributed JW Player filter plugin for Moodle: We run it on production and having no issues.

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