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Mute through setup doesn't work


I'm setting up the player in a JavaScript shell I've built as such:
advertising: adsConfig, // Check if ads tag has info or is empty
autostart: player.options.autoplay === true,
file: file,
height: '100%',
mute: player.options.mute,
width: '100%'

player.options.mute is a Boolean equal to true

Everything works fine, the file plays perfectly.
The only problem is that the video isn't muted even though the parameter is definitely true.

My current workaround is:
player.jwplayer.on('ready', function(setupTime) {
// Fix for a bug where mute doesn't work in setup()

Is there a better solution to this ? Is this a known issue ?

3 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, there.

Is player.options.mute an option for the user somewhere else on the page? If not, why not use mute: true?

If mute:true is not an option, please supply me a link to where the player is embedded so I may take a look.



0 rated :

I'm seeing a similar issue to this. I believe the mute option on setup is not working. I'm trying to do the opposite, unmuting the video on startup.

As an example, the player on the doc page for this feature sets the mute as true. But if you then unmute the video and refresh the page, the player loads unmuted. Is this 'memory' a bug?


0 rated :

I'm encountering the same bug.
Mute options in setup with "mute: false" doesn't work.
Used the on ready workaround, thanks Chen.

Needed this to control overall audio & video muting set with a cookie.

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