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How to play video at 70px height without having JWPlayer thinking it's an audio-player?

When calling resize(124, 70); the video player will set itself to audioMode, which seems to mean that on("displayClick") events are no longer fired. Is there any way around this?

It seems rather peculiar the the audio-mode check doesn't check if getControls() returns true before applying this flag.

You can see the code here:

Is the bug that displayClick isn't fired when jw-flag-audio-player is on the video-player? Or is it that the height calculation doesn't check to see if controls are present? Or maybe both...

7 Community Answers


0 rated :

Ah, I should perhaps note that this occurs on Android mobiles. It works well enough in a desktop browser.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, there!

Can you please give me a link to a page where you have the affected player installed?


0 rated :

Ah, I'm afraid this is just as a local test thus far. But as I say, you can see that the code doesn't check to see if the controls are visible before attaching the audio-flag.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


When calling resize(124,70) on our player and viewing it on my Galaxy S6, I’m able to create an alert on displayClick (see this screenshot).

If it is not working for you, I would need you to create a page for me to see your player embedded. This is the only way I’m going to be able to recreate your issue. Also, could you elaborate on the use case. It may help me better come up with solutions for you.



0 rated :

Can you check out - I made it so displayClick is logged. The code is super primitive, so hopefully nothing I've done has caused any issue.

1. Start the video,
2. The controls will be removed when the video starts playing,
3. Click 'Resize'.

I've noticed that the video does not display at all when resizing to the smaller size.

I have tested this on a Nexus 6, OnePlus One and a Samsung Galaxy S5.


0 rated :

Any updates on this issue?


0 rated :


Have you had a chance to look at the example I uploaded as of yet, perchance?

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