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Where is the install wizard?

One of the most confusing websites I have ever encountered. Spent an hour trying to find out how to install and use the Player. FAQ says full version of install wizard now in My Account - not there according to search engine. Clicking on jwplayer.js results in error message. Readme file totally useless for installing and setup. Example video is even worse.

I have downloaded, installed, custom installed hundreds of programs/devices and still mystified over this one.
To quote the immortal Bob Seger: "Workin' on mysteries without any clues."

If it is possible for mere mortals to install on PC running Windows 8.1 and Firefox, please give me some information on how to do it. Thank you.

2 Community Answers


0 rated :

I think you're laboring under a misunderstanding. JW Player is not an application that you "install" on your PC. You just copy the three files, then use them when building a website. The three files - jwplayer.js, jwplayer.html5.js, and jwplayer.flash.swf - are zipped up for downloading. Go to your dashboard, scroll down, and click "Get Your Player," then "Download Self-Hosted Player."

You don't "run" the player on your PC. The player is just a Javascript routine, so double-clicking on it isn't going to do anything, other than perhaps opening it for editing (which you shouldn't do, anyway). You just use it when you're creating a web page to play videos, like this:


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

JW Player is a tool for web developers. Our software is installed on web servers to enable web sites to play videos. There is nothing to install on your computer.

If you’re having trouble watching a video, that usually means the web site developer has done something wrong, so there’s nothing you can do on your end to fix it. If you want me to take a look at why the video is not working, please include a link so I can investigate further.

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