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Can't play Dynamic Packaged Contents with Azure Media Services

I'm trying to play the dynamic packaged content which is delivered by Azure Media Services via "JW Player Ad Tester" on Android version 4.3.3 but the player shows "Error loading player:No playable sources found" on player screen.
My goal on this experiment is to play dynamic encryption and packaging content but both contents are not available so far.
I also checked on other devices(PC,iOS) and they can play both contents correctly.

I use JW Player Ad Tester in your site.
The Test devices are:
Android Version:4.2,4.3 and 4.4.

According to your website,The JW Player formally supports Azure Media Services features.
Could you tell me why the android device can not play them?

2 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

HLS playback on Android requires an additional parameter, androidhls: ‘true’ in jwplayer().setup() that is not included in our Ad Tester. Try our HLS Tester at


0 rated :

Thank you for the reply.
I confirmed that your HLS Tester could play our contents through Azure Media Services, and it was fine in Android.

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